MLC 2006 Training Course
Videotel Academy ILO Maritime Labour Convention Course
Course Aim:
To provide an effective training course for those responsible for implementing, and ensuring compliance with, the standards of the ILO Maritime Labour Convention (MLC).
Course Outcome:
On the successful completion of this course, you will:
- understand the context in which the frameworks of regulations, responsibilities and activities, set by the MLC, have been established;
- know the content of the MLC;
- be able to describe the role and responsibilities of shipowners, ship managers, ships’ masters, ships’ officers, flag and port state officials, and welfare organisations;
- determine the steps you must take to ensure compliance;
- understand how to play your part in achieving compliance;
- be able to describe and put into practice the various elements of MLC management aboard and ashore;
- have demonstrated your knowledge and understanding.
This course is for:
- HR Managers
- Ship Owners
- Ship Masters
- Manning Agents
- Ship’s Masters
- Ship’s Officers
- Superintendents and Office Support Staff
- Flag and Port State Officials
- Welfare Organisation Officials
- Maritime Labour Organisation Officials
Those concerned with the rights and responsibilities of seafarers
Course Design
This course is on-line and tutor-supported. You will enrol with other delegates and follow a structured learning programme lasting 12 weeks. There will be opportunities for on-line discussion with your tutor. You will also be encouraged to communicate with your fellow delegates to pool experience and knowledge.
Course Tutor
The tutor assigned to your course will be a leading expert with extensive experience of the international maritime industry. They will be well known to the maritime community as either a tutor or speaker at global conferences and seminars and will have considerable expertise in human resources issues particularly those related to the Maritime Labour Convention 2006.
The course is divided into five sections:
Introduction to the MLC
- Module 1: Manning Agents
- Module 2: Member States (Flag and Port)
- Module 3: Ships’ Masters and Officers
- Module 4: Shipping Company Managers
Course Duration: 12 Weeks
- there is a multi-choice on-screen test to complete at the end of each section. These will be saved electronically and transmitted to your tutor;
- there are 2 written assignments to complete which must be sent to your tutor for assessment.
On successful completion of the course, you will be awarded a certificate issued by Videotel stating that this course has been produced in association with IMEC, the International Maritime Employers' Committee and approved by the Liberian Registry.On successful completion of this course, you will receive a VMI Certificate.
Material and Resources
You must be able to log on to the Videotel Academy with a stable broadband connection. This will provide tutor support and interactive self-study material.
An electronic version of the MLC will be provided though you may wish to acquire your own hard copy.
Course Details
How to Enrol
Enrol online for the MLC 2006 training course by visiting:
Links to Online Courses
- Train Online
How to Order the CD-ROM
To order your copy of the MLC 2006 training course on CD-ROM please contact the Videotel sales department:

Find out more about our MLC 2006 training DVD