DVD Training Programme
The programme provides an outline of the purpose of the Convention, what it contains and how it works. Implementation and enforcement are dealt with in some detail. The programme encourages thought and understanding about what the Convention means for the individual and their role within their organisation.
Target audience
- Flag States
- Port States
- Labour Supply Countries
- Shipping/Ship Management Companies
- Manning Agents
- Seafarers
Main topics
- History of the MLC
- Strengths of the MLC
- What the MLC means to the industry
- Defining the titles
- Documentation requirements under the MLC
- MLC sanctions
- Interviews with key players
The guide
The 25 minute DVD comes with a guide containing all you need to run a 2 hour training programme. You don’t have to be a professional trainer or an expert on the Convention to lead the programme.
- Materials for the programme, including the contents pages from the Convention and the ISF Guide to the Convention
- Guidance on preparation
- An outline programme
- Detailed session notes
There is also a set of MS® PowerPoint® slides on the DVD.
How to order
To order a copy of the training DVD or to add it to your existing Videotel Library please contact the Videotel sales team:
Shot of DVD

Powerpoint Presentation

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