Title 2 Regulation 2.6
Regulation 2.6 - Seafarer compensation for the ship's loss or foundering
Purpose: To ensure that seafarers are compensated when a ship is lost or has foundered
1. Seafarers are entitled to adequate compensation in the case of injury, loss or unemployment arising from the ship's loss or foundering.
Standard A2.6 - Seafarer compensation for the ship's loss or foundering
1. Each Member shall make rules ensuring that, in every case of loss or foundering of any ship, the shipowner shall pay to each seafarer on board an indemnity against unemployment resulting from such loss or foundering.
2. The rules referred to in paragraph 1 of this Standard shall be without prejudice to any other rights a seafarer may have under the national law of the Member concerned for losses or injuries arising from a ship's loss or foundering.
Guideline B2.6 - Seafarer compensation for the ship's loss or foundering
Guideline B2.6.1 - Calculation of indemnity against unemployment
1. The indemnity against unemployment resulting from a ship's foundering or loss should be paid for the days during which the seafarer remains in fact unemployed at the same rate as the wages payable under the employment agreement, but the total indemnity payable to any one seafarer may be limited to two months' wages.
2. Each Member should ensure that seafarers have the same legal remedies for recovering such indemnities as they have for recovering arrears of wages earned during the service.
Convention Details
- The Convention: Preamble
- Article I: General Obligations
- Article II: Definitions and scope of application
- Article III: Fundamental rights and principles
- Article IV: Seafarers’ employment and social rights
- Article V: Implementation and enforcement responsibilities
- Article VI: Regulations and Parts A and B of the Code
- Article VII: Consultation with Shipowners' and Seafarers' Organizations
- Article VIII: Entry into Force
- Article IX: Effect of Entry into Force
- Article X: Effect of Entry into Force
- Article XI: Depositary Functions
- Article XII: Depositary Functions
- Article XIII: Amendment of this Convention
- Article XIV: Amendments to the Code
- Article XV: Amendments to the Code
- Authoritative Languages
- Title1: Minimum requirements...
- Title2: Conditions of employment
- Title3: Accommodation, recreation, food
- Title4: Health, medical, welfare, social security
- Title5: Compliance and enforcement
- APPENDIX A5-I: Inspection criteria, flag State
- APPENDIX A5-III: Inspection criteria, port State

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Inspection Guidelines
flag StateGuidelines flag State inspections
Guidelines port State inspections