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The MLC2006 Website
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Videotel Academy Tutor Led Course
A course for shipping company managers, ships’ Masters, manning agents, and employees of Member states - port State control inspectors and officials of flag States and labour supply countries.
The course provides:
- Real time virtual classroom tutorial
- Tutor support throughout
- Detailed understanding of the Convention for the user
- Guidance on compliance for the user’s organisation or ship
- Current compliance status
- Action plan
DVD Programme
A short training programme for small groups of shipping company managers, seafarers, manning agents, port State control inspectors and officials of flag States and labour supply countries.
The programme provides an outline of the Convention and an opportunity to discuss what it might mean for users’ organisations.
Find out more
Read the full text of the Convention or access the part you need.
- The Convention: Preamble
- Article I: General Obligations
- Article II: Definitions and scope of application
- Article III: Fundamental rights and principles
- Article IV: Seafarers’ employment and social rights
- Article V: Implementation and enforcement responsibilities
- Article VI: Regulations and Parts A and B of the Code
- Article VII: Consultation with Shipowners' and Seafarers' Organizations
- Article VIII: Entry into Force
- Article IX: Effect of Entry into Force
- Article X: Effect of Entry into Force
- Article XI: Depositary Functions
- Article XII: Depositary Functions
- Article XIII: Amendment of this Convention
- Article XIV: Amendments to the Code
- Article XV: Amendments to the Code
- Authoritative Languages
- Title1: Minimum requirements...
- Title2: Conditions of employment
- Title3: Accommodation, recreation, food
- Title4: Health, medical, welfare, social security
- Title5: Compliance and enforcement
- APPENDIX A5-I: Inspection criteria, flag State
- APPENDIX A5-III: Inspection criteria, port State