Maritime Labour Convention Workshop
15 March 2010 - Robin Jackson
A one day Maritime Labour Convention workshop is being held in the on Philippines on Tuesday 20th April 2010 at the AMOSUP Convention Hall, Manila.
The workshop will be presented by David Dearsley, former Secretary General of IMEC, who has over 45 years experience of working within the shipping industry.
This MLC practical workshop has been designed to provide guidance for ship officers, manning agents, government officials and office support on the steps to be taken in order to ensure compliance with the Convention.
For further details contact Loulla Mouzouris at Videotel Marine International on
Comment By: Royston
Posted: 2011-03-07 11:03:52
I agree people need to be acting on MLC now, but this workshop was actually last year. April 2010
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Comment By: Barista Uno (Marine Cafe Blog)
Posted: 2011-03-06 09:42:44
It's ironic that the world's top crew-supplying country has yet to ratify MLC 2006. The practical workshop you write about should have been conducted a long time ago. Now is the time to act, not talk.